Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bennie and the Jets

...is the track which is currently on as I make this blog. Simply inspiring stuff. Thought that now was as good a time as any to spew some proverbial thought spew from the noggin, though in actuality nothing is really coming to me at this time.

Basically, I'm giving you a convoluted way of saying that I really have nothing to say at this point, other than to tell you that I'm listening to Bennie and the Jets. Kinda sad, admittedly, but on the plus side at least I'm listening to Elton John.

And watching scenes from Rain Man.

I suppose this could be what you'd call a wasted evening, tacked onto the end of a wasted afternoon and preceded by a morning spent entirely asleep. I really don't use those days off very wisely, do I?

The few acting offers I've been muddling through lately seem to have dried up over the holiday period, so now I'm left to focus entirely on my employment, something that actually pays. Hoorah!

I reckon I have about enough footage to chuck together a really bad showreel by now. There's a very real possibility that a bad showreel could prove more damaging than no showreel at all, so that's kinda why I'm putting it off. All going well however, I should have some footage from Ruby Moon and Alice to add to my arsenal, and besides the exciting opportunity to Youtube those suckers, I'll get a first-hand view of how it translates to film.

In all honesty, I recently got a chance to see my Sid on DVD, but it didn't particularly wow me. Unfortunately, the film in question is from the dreaded matinee, rarely a good thing. The only matinee I'll ever look upon fondly is of course the second Alice matinee, where we managed to turn the show into an interactive experience with the littlies.

Best moment:
Alice - "Twinkle, twinkle, little bat..."
Small child in the audience - "It's twinkle, twinkle, little STAR."

Brilliant. Such a shame that it took four years for me to cotton on that this stuff is a really good market to play on, but at least I got to have that moment. Plus, some really cheesy posing and dancing as the March Hare... Good fun.

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