Thursday, December 31, 2009

And so, we enter... end game.

Of the many many things I really don't care a great deal about, celebrating the New Year is one of those things that ranks highly up there. In the same way that I don't celebrate the first of August, I am not one of these people who goes batty about January commencing. I realise that there's a sense of finality to it; a way to definitively categorise the last twelve months as 'old news' and begin anew, but I would rather choose to do this whenever I feel it necessary, embrace the future at any given time, rather than be inspired by a date-based placebo.

I'll be ending 2009 in the same way I began it. At work. Though hopefully not exactly in the same way, selling some goon a clock who chose not to stop for the countdown, nor to thank me at the end of the transaction. Though I don't care about the New Year, I feel slighted by celebrations occurring just nearby, while I'm stuck beginning my year with random rude dude.

I guess part of my lack of enthusiasm is based on a distinct loathing for the way that the New Year is typically ushered in, among a heaving throng of drunkards, elbowing your way through crowds in places far too loud and crowded, or watching fireworks explode above your head in amazement, as though they haven't been in existence for hundreds of years already. It's a contempt towards crowds, particularly drunken crowds, that sucks the fun out of mass gatherings. Granted, if it was an entire room full of people I knew and liked, that'd be one thing, but trying to find a stark minortiy of familiars among endless inebriated faces really isn't very much fun at all.

Though I do admit, there is one thing that I do enjoy about New Year. And it's one of the reasons that I made this blog entry - this will be my last entry ever, dated with 2009. From here on, each entry will be stamped as 2010 (that's pronounced twenty-ten, by the way). I don't know. I like things growing and aging, so for my ramblings to be growing further apart by something as simple as a four-digit number may be the only particular joy I'll find by midnight. Hey, that's not so bad, is it? At least I found my own reason to celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. I like NYE because it's a very good excuse to go to somebody's house and drink until I'm considerably more stupid than I usually am. :)
