Hop on your good feet, young things, and engage in the bad thing. Whatever could this bad thing be? There's a chance it's underage smoking. Only a mild chance, though.
You know what I hate? Looking up my name on Yahoo! or Google or whatever search engine takes my fancy on a particular day. You know why? Because I'm sick of hearing about Tony cocking his gun. Stop cocking the friggin' gun, Tony! All you do is divert search results away from myself, and this makes me sad. I enjoy looking onto the Internet to see where I've earnt any notoriety, and so far it's rather scarce (see = nonexistent). Perhaps someday I will find an entire website dedicated to me... I wonder what will be on it?
Six easy steps to training your Tony Cocking?
Horrific Tony Cocking-related tales of tragedy?
The joy of cooking Tony Cocking?
A list of reasons 'Y I H8 TONY F'IN COCCING'?
Perhaps... Additionally, I need to stop leaping into these BLOGs with nothing other than a mildly amusing title. My readers will likely stop coming if they find nothing of value. On the plus side, today I did manage to... holy crap, I was legitimately thinking for about two minutes there and came up with nothing. What a terrible day it's apparently been!
Oh dear... going to a screening of a short film featuring myself tonight... hopefully that'll calm my frayed nerves. Or make things worse, we'll see.
Here's an idea, could someone who reads this please suggest some typing material for a future BLOG? I'm getting rather desperate, will take suggestions from anyone; friends, relatives, members of the 'I H8 TONY' website, anyone...